Evolution Health USA

What are
spider veins?

Spider veins are smaller, thread-like veins that occur near the surface of the skin and often appear on the legs or face. They can appear as red, purplish, or blue veins and often look like tree branches or spider webs with jagged edges that grow outward. Spider veins can cover a small area and avoid notice, or they can cover a larger area and become quite unsightly. It is also possible that they may enlarge over time. Some estimate that over half of all adult females will develop spider veins.

Spider veins, or telangiectasias, are often related to (and may appear in combination with) varicose veins and can derive from the same underlying causes. They occur in the capillaries closest to the surface of the skin, which are fed by veins called reticular veins (also know as ‘feeder veins’).’

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