Evolution Health USA

Trellis Procedure

The Trellis™ system is unique and groundbreaking procedure using both mechanical forces as well as “clot busting” medication to remove deep vein clots that previously were unable to be reached without a major procedure.

Dr. Greuner uses this procedure in a select group of patients to remove life-threatening deep vein clots that would otherwise be treated by less effective, more invasive techniques, and long periods of blood thinning medication.

Using xray guidance, Dr. Greuner places the Trellis catheter through the clot to be treated. Balloons are inflated on either side of the clot to localize the treatment. CLot busting medication is then delivered through the catheter in the affected vessel and the catheter spins, mixing the “clot busting” drug into the blood clot. After approximately 10 minutes, Dr. Greuner may aspirate the drug as well as the dissolved portion of the deep vein clot through the Trellis™ catheter.

A repeat xray study is done to ensure full success of treatment prior to removal. An animation of the Trellis procedure is listed below.

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